Guide released to help teachers tackle gay insults

A guide has been released by gay charity Stonewall to help teachers deal with homophobic insults.
Research from the organisation found that the majority of secondary school teachers had heard phrases such as “dyke”, “poof” and “that’s gay” being used by students.
However, nine in ten primary and secondary school teachers had never received any training on how to prevent and respond to homophobic bullying.
The guide will be the first in a series of education guides for teachers on different specific aspects of tackling the issue.
According to Stonewall, it features practical advice as well as information on policy, legislation and real case study examples.
Stonewall chief executive Ben Summerskill said: “Every day in schools homophobic language undermines the confidence and self-esteem not just of young gay people but of any student deemed different.
“Challenging homophobic language doesn’t have to be time-consuming or difficult. Stonewall’s education guides are designed to restore confidence to teachers who, until now, have been under-equipped in creating an environment where all young people can learn free from discrimination and bullying.”