Australian music teacher acquitted of lesbian affair with student

An Australian music teacher has been acquitted over allegations she had a lesbian affair with a 15-year-old pupil.
Leonie Pech, 42, was charged with seven counts of unlawful sexual intercourse and two counts of indecent assault.
The alleged offences took place between 1994 to 1996, while Pech was teaching at a northern Adelaide school.
Prosecutors said that the affair began with kissing and progressed towards “digital intercourse”. The alleged incidents occurred in a classroom and on a school trip.
The court was told that the girl ended the relationship when she discovered letters in Pech’s home which suggested she had close relationships with other students in the past.
Pech’s lawyers had argued she was a busy teacher and had simply seen musical potential in the pupil. They argued that she had only counselled the student about personal issues.
She was found not guilty today on all nine charges, AdelaideNow reports.