Anti-gay preacher Stephen Green is an April Fool

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Look who fell for our April Fool!

Stephen Green, of rabidly anti-gay lobby group Christian Voice, fell for’s April Fool earlier this month.

After reading about our completely made-up iPhone app Kroozr, Mr Green raged on his blog: “Everything about the depravity, the sadness, the lack of normality, even of humanity, the promiscuity driven by the pathology of homosexuality is distilled into this story.”

The alleged wifebeater and confirmed reader continued: “Thank God that men and women have walked away from homosexual desires through the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ.

“May the Church stand up and minister the saving and healing grace of Jesus to the lost at the same time as standing against the wickedness in high places promoting sodomy and abominations like ‘gay marriage’.”

Our joke story said: “Kroozr claims to use smartphone technology to determine whether men in the userā€™s vicinity are gay and can even filter out undesirables, such as those wearing sandals with socks.”

With no obvious sense of irony, Mr Green added: “You really couldn’t make it up.”