Natalie Portman joins gay marriage equality campaign

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Natalie Portman and her fiancé, Benjamin Millepied, have joined Freedom to Marry’s “I Do” campaign, which was launched in March and urges President Barack Obama to support full gay marriage equality.

Evan Wolfson, a civil rights attorney and president of Freedom to Marry, said that the Oscar-winning actress and her fiancé “believe all loving couples should be able to share in the freedom to marry without discrimination. That is why they are joining the 100,000-plus people on Freedom to Marry’s Say, ‘I Do’ Open Letter calling on the President to do the right thing and become part of America’s majority for marriage.”

To date, 107,517 people have signed their names to the document.

The organisation’s website states: “Freedom to Marry’s goal is to end the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage once and for all. Drawing on the history of other social justice movements in the United States, we know that victory will ultimately come from persuading either Congress or the Supreme Court to end marriage discrimination.

“To achieve that victory, we must secure the freedom to marry in a critical mass of states and [gain] majority support across the country.”