Brighton police warn teen over homophobic comment drive-by

A teenager who shouted homophobic abuse at a group of people outside a Brighton bar has been reprimanded by police.
Officers in plain clothes were outside the gay Charles Street Bar in Marine Parade, Brighton, last Friday night when a Fiat Punto drove by.
The passenger, a 17-year-old boy, shouted a homophobic comment. Officers made a note of the car’s registration and later traced the driver and the passenger.
The teenage passenger admitted making the comment and was given a reprimand.
The driver, an 18-year-old man, was given a section 59 warning for allowing his vehicle to be used in anti-social way.
PC Rich Bridger said: “We will not tolerate any form of hate crime and those who choose to flout this will face the full extent of the law. In this instance, officers were able to identify the perpetrators and ensure they were dealt with swiftly.
“We would urge anyone that sees or experiences hate crime – however minor it may seem to report it to police so we can beng the offenders to justice.”