US: 100 Catholics stand up for equal marriage in Maine through newspaper adverts

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A pro-marriage equality group in Portland, Maine, is reiterating its support for the referendum on equal marriage in November, by launching a new campaign of newspaper adverts in the state.

Catholics for Marriage Equality, is placing quarter-page adverts in three Maine newspapers this Sunday, in an effort to urge more people to vote for same-sex marriageĀ on 6 November, reported Seattle PI.Ā 

More than 100 Catholics will attach their name to the adverts, including Anne Underwood, co-founder of the group back in 2009, who said it was important for Catholics in support of equal marriage to speak out:

“The premise is we support marriage for same-sex couples because it’s a matter of conscience,” said Ms Underwood, an attorney.

“And Catholics have an obligation to form their own consciences, especially on political issues and issues ofĀ morality.”

She has also said that more Catholics support equal marriage than oppose it.Ā In a study conducted byĀ The Pew Forum on ReligionĀ and Public Life this summer, 58% of Catholics said they were in support of equal marriage, while 33% were opposed.

Catholics for Marriage EqualityĀ isĀ a pro-marriage equality group, which:Ā ā€promotes the freedom for all loving couples to be included in civil marriageā€. Speaking in response to equal marriage opposition by fellow Catholics earlier this month, they made a statement, saying:

ā€œWe are shocked when we read the language and examples used by our bishops to incite fear in our Catholic brothers and sisters if Referendum 74 passes. The message of Jesus is love and compassion, not fear.ā€

The group are not the only religiousĀ organisation in the US to be supportive of equal marriage. 63 ex-Catholic priests showed their support for the similar referendum in Washington state earlier in October.Ā 

Maine, Washington and Maryland states will all be voting on marriage equality on 6 November. At the same time, voters in Minnesota will choose whether to make a constitutional amendment which would define marriage as only between one man and oneĀ woman.