US: Barack Obama endorsed by the New York Times for his support of equal marriage

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The New York Times has endorsed Barack Obama for the November presidential election in the US, citing his support of same-sex marriage as one of its main reasons.

An editorial in the paper’s Sunday edition, read that, despite criticising his individual policy decisions at times, MrĀ Obama was the clear choice of candidate for the election on 6 November, UPI reported.

As well as stating its preference for MrĀ Obama’s support of equal marriage, and his action against the Defense of Marriage Act, the endorsement said it preferred his policies on Iraq, the Arab Spring, and his intention to prevent lawsĀ “like the ones in Arizona, that seek to turn undocumented immigrants into a class of criminals.”

“President Obama has shown a firm commitment to using government to help foster growth. He has formed sensible budget policies that are not dedicated to protecting the powerful, and has worked to save the social safety net to protect the powerless,” the endorsement read.

“Mr Obama has impressive achievements despite the implacable wall of refusal erected by congressional Republicans so intent on stopping him that they risked pushing the nation into depression, held its credit rating hostage, and hobbled economic recovery.”

The endorsement discussed healthcare reforms, saying that it was “astonishing” for President Obama to have been able to execute them with such a great Republican opposition.

It said that he should not be blamed for the US recession, as without him the country would have seen another Great Depression:

“The economy was cratering when he took office in January 2009. By that June it was growing, and it has been ever since (although at a rate that disappoints everyone), thanks in large part to interventions Mr Obama championed, like the $840 billion stimulus bill.”

The endorsement for President Obama to be reelected on 6 November, ended by saying:

“For these and many other reasons, we enthusiastically endorse PresidentĀ Barack ObamaĀ for a second term, and express the hope that his victory will be accompanied by a new Congress willing to work for policies that Americans need.”

Speaking of PresidentĀ Obama, gay actor and supporter of LGBT rights, Zachary Quinto, said this week that, in the election, LGBT rights supporters have ā€œonly one choiceā€ when it comes to picking a candidate.