Paris: Anti-equal marriage protesters ordered to pay €100,000 clean-up cost

The Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoe has imposed a hefty cleaning bill on the organisers of a march opposing same-sex marriage.
Mr Delanoe issued the organisers of the march with the heavy invoice of €100,000 (£83,000) in order to cover costs of restoring the grass on the Champs-de-Mars, a large public green near the Eiffel Tower, reports French news site the Local.
Mr Delanoe, who is openly gay and a support of equal marriage, has been the Mayor of Paris since 2001.
Xavier Bongibault, one of the march organisers and president of ‘Plus Gay Sans Marriage’, an LGBT group that opposes same-sex marriage, explained that the anger marchers felt over the charge was because it seemed politically motivated.
“He would never do that if it was a pro-gay marriage demonstration,” Mr Bongibault told the Local.
“He has taken a militant position towards us. He himself gave his agreement that the march could go ahead.”
Mr Bongibault has proposed that marchers return to the Champs-de-Mars to help with the clean-up effort rather than pay the charge.
Despite the march, the French government has vowed to push on with its proposed legislation.
A demonstration in support for equal marriage and adoption rights will take place on the January 27.
Mr Delanöe is expected to attend.