Senior Scottish Episcopal speaks in support of equal marriage and rebukes Lord Carey

One of the most prominent figures in the Scottish Episcopal Church has criticised Lord Carey for attacking equal marriage.
The Very Reverend Kelvin Holdsworth championed marriage equality in his Easter sermon.
He said he looked forward to “an Easter Day when I can celebrate new marriages for gay members of my congregation just as I can for straight couples”.
In response, the Times reports Reverend Holdsworth, provost of Glasgow’s St Mary’s Cathedral, as saying: “Lord Carey has taken to the newspapers to make yet another unhelpful intervention highlighting supposed Christian fears that we are being persecuted in the UK”.
Provost Holdsworth added: “To speak of the church as being marginalised and under attack because of same-sex marriage while the government taxes the bedrooms of the poor and stirs up fear of foreigners is to remain trapped in the grave of Good Friday and be preaching the tired old story of yesterday, not the new life that God promises for all nor the kingdom God urges us to bring in.”
The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican communion.