Daughter of anti-gay marriage Tory MP makes ‘Misérable Lesbians’ equal rights movie

The daughter of an anti-equal marriage Conservative MP has produced a film in support of gay rights called Misérable Lesbians.
A spoof of the original Les Misérables, Katie Amess, daughter of Tory MP David Amess, said: “I have always been pro-gay rights. Misérable Lesbians is a jokey title with a very serious message, which is that everyone deserves equal rights.”
“I love my father and he’s entitled to his opinion but I disagree with him on gay marriage,” Katie, who lives in Hollywood, said. “I have my own views and I am very pro-gay rights, even though I am straight myself I believe everyone should be treated equally and I am proud to do my bit to support gays and lesbians and raise awareness of this very important issue. I am sure Dad is happy I am finally working. Mum’s watched the film, but Dad hasn’t.”
In the film, Katie Amess plays Courgette – a play on the character of Cosette in the original Les Misérables. She is a young girl who “fights the good fight” in revolutionary France to help a rebel band of lesbians achieve their goal of sexual freedom.
Misérable Lesbians writer and director Sandro Monetti said: “Gay rights is a hot topic around the world right now and through our comedy musical we hope not only to make people laugh but also to make them think.
“Our show is about women in 19th century France locked up for the crime of falling in love with each other. They – and the brave rebels who support them – dream a dream of gay marriage one day being legal.
“The recent change to legalise gay marriage in France is a cause for celebration for many, and hopefully this show will be too.”
Katie Amess is currently trying to raise money to stage the show in Edinburgh and off-Broadway in New York through the crowdfunding website Indiegogo.com, while the original short film is available to view on YouTube.
David Amess, who represents Southend West, was among 136 Tory MPs to vote against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill in February’s second reading.
Despite being at odds with his daughter on the issue of marriage equality, the Mail reports the MP is full of praise for the 27-year-old’s cinema efforts: “Obviously I have heard all about the spoof film Misérable Lesbians but have yet to see it. I am hoping to go to Edinburgh to see the performance in the summer.”
In a statement he added: “We are enormously proud of our daughter and her utter determination to make a success of her acting career. We also fully recognise what a very tough industry it is and how highly competitive.”