US: Lawmaker’s office says gay people should ‘just grow their own food’ if stores discriminate against them

The office of Washington Senator Mike Hewitt reportedly told a constituent who was concerned about his backing of a bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against gay people that they should “just grow their own food” if barred from using local shops.
Jay Castro, a constituent of Mr Hewitt’s district of Walla-Walla, told The Stranger that he was outraged to hear about the bill, which has gained widespread publicity in the state despite being unlikely to pass.
“Regardless of if it’s just a publicity stunt, it’s my livelihood and my life that’s on the line,” he said. “I fought very hard for gay rights in Spokane in the 90s, as a kid.”
With this motivation he called Mr Hewitt’s office on Friday and asked the staffer on the line: “What are rural gays supposed to do if the only gas station or grocery store for miles won’t sell them gas and food?”
According to Mr Castro, the response was: “Well, gay people can just grow their own food.”
Mr Castro says he then asked the staffer for his name and was told: “I don’t have to tell you that,” followed by: “Don’t call here again.” The staffer then hung up.
The Stranger reports that when they attempted to follow up on Mr Castro’s call, Mr Hewitt’s staff redirected them to a spokesperson for the state Republicans, who also hung up on them.
The bill was introduced shortly after lawsuits were filed against a Washington florist who refused to provide flowers for a gay couple, telling them “I can’t do your wedding because of my relationship with Jesus Christ.”
The consumer protection action filed seeks $2000 (£1300), in fines, as well as requiring Arlene’s Flowers to comply with the state’s consumer protection laws, which prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.
In March a similar bill was passed in Kentucky, despite a veto from the state’s governor.