Lancashire: Lesbians sprayed with lemonade and attacked by gang of men on board train

Three women were subjected to homophobic abuse and attacked by a gang of men on a train in Lancashire.
British Transport Police (BTP) said the incident happened at around 11.15pm on Friday 29 March, as the women were travelling home from Blackpool on a train between Blackpool North and Preston.
Officers said the women were approached by a group of men, who were abusive and violent after finding out the women were lesbians.
PC Tony Greenwood said: “The men became extremely offensive and hurled homophobic abuse at the women, before spraying them with a bottle of shaken-up lemonade.
“As the offensive behaviour got more extreme one of the men became violent and knocked a 21-year-old woman to the floor, before further assaulting her. As a result the woman suffered bruising and swelling to her face, head and arms and has suffered from partial memory loss since.
“This was a particularly nasty and vicious assault, which all began with unwarranted and totally unacceptable homophobic abuse.”
He said everyone had the right to travel in a safe environment free from abuse and violence.
PC Greenwood said: “Sadly some people seem intent on causing trouble and we will use all tools at our disposal to bring them to justice.
“We believe they may have travelled on to Bolton after arriving at Preston.”
Anyone with information concerning the incident should call British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. In all calls quote log B8/NWA of 7/5/13.