All Swedish couples banned from adopting Russian children over same-sex marriage

Russian authorities have stopped the adoption of Russian children by all Swedish couples based on the legalisation of equal marriage in Sweden.
In June Russian President signed a law into effect which bans the promotion of “non-traditional” relationships to minors.
This new move, announced on Thursday, Russian and Swedish authorities met to discuss the situation. The Foreign Ministry of Sweden said that so far, no agreement had been reached to allow straight or gay Swedish couples adopt.
The ministry said no negotiations had taken place on an agreement.
At the same time, Russian politician Vitaly Milonov referred to gay people as “perverts”, and that children would be better off at orphanages than homed with gay parents.
He said: “The perverts? No, it is unacceptable. Homosexuals are ‘perverts’ and should absolutely not be allowed to adopt children… Children who grow up in that kind of environment are destroyed psychologically.”
The video, translated into English bases its ‘facts’ on a controversial and much criticised study by anti-gay American researcher Mark Regnerus.
President Vladimir Putin signed legislation in June banning the promotion of “non-traditional relationships” toward minors. A separate law was also passed to ban the adoption of Russian children by same-sex couples in any country.