Australia: Health Alliance pubicly supports the 13th annual Intersex Awareness Day

The National LGBTI Health Aliiance of Australia has publicly shown its support for Intersex Awareness Day (26th October), which sees intersex activists across the world raise awerness on important issues affecting intersex people.
The annual Intersex Awareness Day first started on 26th October 1996 by the Intersex Society of North America in Boston.
Activists took part in a protest outside a conference by the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) because at the time some doctors were advocating infant genital surgery on intersex kids in order to make them more ‘normal’.
Some of those protesting had been subjected to similar surgery when they too were infants.
In a statement, Warren Talbot of the LGBTI Health Alliance, said: “The recent inclusion of intersex people in the Sex Discrimination Act, supported by all parties in the Parliament, was a great achievement.
“In 2010, the Health Alliance changed its constitution and name to specifically include intersex people. The alliance has made progress, but there is still much to do to provide quality health services for individuals who are intersex.”
Mr Talbot also mentioned the Health Alliance’s recent testimony on a senate inquiry on involuntary sterilisation on people with disabilities.
He said: “This is a relevant issue for intersex people, and [the Health Alliance] is looking for strong leadership from the senate committee.”