Ugandan President ‘won’t be pressured’ into signing anti-gay law, says spokesman

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni “won’t be pressured” into signing the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill, his spokesman has said.
“There has been pressure from religious leaders and Parliament to sign the bill into law,” presidential spokesperson Tamale Mirundi told AFP on Thursday.
He stated that President Museveni “won’t rush to assent the bill before he studies it” fully.
“President Museveni is a practical president, he takes decisions based on analysis and not on how many support or are against it,” Mr Mirundi added.
It extends the current penalty of life imprisonment for anal sex to all other same-sex acts, even mere kissing and touching. The law introduces jail terms of five to seven years for promoting homosexuality, including advocating LGBT rights or assisting LGBT people or events.
The UK and US governments, criticised the move along with business magnate and investor Sir Richard Branson – who has urged for a corporate boycott of Uganda.
However, President Museveni is facing intense pressure from Ugandan MPs to sign the bill.
It is possible for parliamentary supporters of the bill to bypass the need for presidential approval if a further vote is tabled. They require a two-thirds majority.