US: Massachusetts announces it will recognise Utah same-sex marriages

Amid confusion stemming from the fact that Utah only had a brief window of equal marriage during which 1,300 couples wed, Massachusetts has said it will honour those marriages.
On Thursday the Attorney General of Massachusetts confirmed that the marriages of those couples would me recognised in the state, which was the first to legalise same-sex marriage in the US.
“Our view is that the marriages in Utah were validly performed and should be recognized here,” said Chris Loh, a spokesman for Attorney General Martha Coakley.
Between 20 December and 6 January, some 1,300 couples married in the state as a US District Judge ruled that a ban on same-sex marriage violated the state’s constitution.
The Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes advised Governor Gary Herbert that marriages between gay couples who married in that short period should not be recognised by the state for benefits purposes.