US: NYC school blocks girl from taking transgender boyfriend to prom

A New York school has blocked a girl from taking her transgender boyfriend to prom.
Anais Celini had hoped to take her boyfriend Nathaniel Baez to prom with her on May 22, but Martin Luther High School has banned her from doing so.
Celini said in an interview with Pix11: “I told an administrator at the school that he is going through the transition process – by the time that prom will be coming around, the documents will say that he’s legally male, and we would no longer be classified as a same-sex couple, which the school does not allow.
“Thinking that we’re not a same-sex couple, I thought we would be allowed to go, and I got an answer saying that [the administrator’s] interpretation of the bible and scripture and what his transition means is unconventional and it’s not something that the school would believe.
“Everybody should be able to go. It’s something that everybody should be able to have those memories of and talk about years later.”
Baez said: “It’s hard because I really wanted her to be able to go to prom with her friends, and me, as well. It is one of the stepping stones in high school”
When contacted by the news channel, the Catholic school declined to comment based on ‘student privacy’.