US: Nevada Republicans drop opposition to same-sex marriage from platform

The Nevada GOP has removed policies opposing same-sex marriage and abortion from its state platform.
The Nevada Republican Party Convention, held this weekend, voted by a clear majority to approve a state platform from which opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion had been removed.
According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, over 500 people attended the conference.
State party Chairman Michael McDonald said: “I think it was about inclusion, not exclusion. This is where the party is going.”
Dave Hockaday, who sat on the platform committee, said: “The issue was how can we back out of people’s personal lives. We need to focus on issues where we can have an impact.”
The party platform had previously described marriage as “between a man and a woman”.
She said at the time: “After thoughtful review and analysis, the state has determined that its arguments grounded upon equal protection and due process are no longer sustainable.”
A 2012 court decision to uphold the ban, which was made before the Supreme Court struck down the Defence of Marriage Act and set greater precedent, is due to go to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.