Madonna upsets fans by branding vegetable ‘gay’ in Buzzfeed game

Madonna has been criticised for describing kale as “gay”.
Fans were quick to pick up the singer’s use of the word in a negative context.
The 55-year-old Material Girl was taking part in a Buzzfeed word association game when she labelled the leafy green vegetable as “gay”.
One fan wrote: “Saying kale is ‘gay’ is meant to convey that she doesn’t like it, so it is an insult. I am SO TIRED of people using ‘gay’ in a negative context.”
Another added: “Madonna is as culturally sensitive as a bull in a china shop. Really. She puts her foot in her mouth constantly.”
However, Abe Gurko, from Los Angeles, defended the pop icon and tweeted: “Madonna gets heat from gays for calling kale gay. Really? The gay community is way too sensitive and needs to stop acting so gay.”
In other food-related news Madonna described Guacamole as “gross germs”.