US: Georgia same-sex couples apply for marriage licenses, post rejection letters on Twitter

Same-sex couples in Georgia applied for marriage licenses yesterday before posting their rejection letters online, to peacefully protest the state’s marriage ban.
The campaign, thought up by Sabrina and Joyce Jones-Smith of Loud Mouth Radio, saw couples go down to their local courthouse and apply for a marriage license, to inevitably be turned away due to the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.
Although it costs $66 (£39) to apply for a marriage license, a loophole in the system means there is no charge for couples ineligible for a license, so the group could make their applications for free.
After being rejected, the couples then took to Twitter to share their rejection experiences, with the hashtag #MayDayGAEquality, to urge others to do the same.
@louddmouth Denied, for no other reason than we are both women. #MayDayGAEquality
— Candace E. Hardnett (@ceh1016) May 1, 2014
Jazzie & I just received our denial to go any further in our Marriage License process today #MayDayGAEquality standup — Sabrina Sonny Smith (@louddmouth) May 1, 2014
@louddmouthradio Chatham county gets award for most rude obnoxious county clerk ever! #maydaygaequality
— Erika Majors (@EKMajors) May 1, 2014
Chatham Probate Court administrator Kim Birge told the Savannah Morning News: “I’m the chief clerk, and I can say everyone was treated with respect.
“Everyone was treated very respectfully. We follow the law to the letter.”
Georgia’s constitution states: “This state shall recognize as marriage only the union of man and woman. Marriages between persons of the same sex are prohibited in this state.”