Video: Rick Perry parody mocks ‘homosexuality is like alcoholism’ comparison

A parody video has been released, mocking Texas Governor Rick Perry for comparing homosexuality to alcoholism.
The failed Republican presidential candidate arose controversy last week, when he said: “Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that.
“I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way.”
He has since repeatedly flip-flopped on whether to retract or stand by his comments.
Last week he attempted to back away from his comparison, admitting he got “deflected” onto a “contentious issue”.
However, he later said “I think my comments stand on their own. I can’t help you understand it”, before adding on Friday: “I readily admit, I stepped right in it.”
In the Funny or Die video, a Rick Perry impersonator walks into a press conference, saying: “Last week I made some controversial remarks… but now we’re back in Texas, I’d like to set the record straight, in all senses of the word.”
Reporters question whether he is “worried about people driving while gay”, or whether it’s okay for people to have “just a dick or two with dinner”.
The openly lesbian Speaker of the California Assembly joked earlier this week: “Thank you for your concern, Governor Perry, but I am not addicted to anything other than coffee.”