Pictures: Boy Scouts march in New York Pride parade despite gay adult member ban

A contingency of Boy Scouts have marched in the New York Pride parade for the first time, in spite of the organisation’s ban on adult gay members.
A group from Scouts for Equality (SFE) – which is comprised of gay current and former Boy Scouts of America (BSA) members – marched in the parade.
The group voted to allow gay youth members last year, but openly gay adults remain banned from leadership positions.
Greg Bourke, who was forced to stand down as a scout leader two years ago after the BSA discovered he was gay, said: “I want gay parents to have the opportunity to scout with their children.
“Adult leaders should have the same opportunities as everyone else has to take part in an organization that’s a bedrock of America.”
Also marching were 17-year-old Eagle scout Pascal Tessier, who became the first openly gay Eagle scout in February.
88-year-old former Scout David Knapp also marched, after he was ousted as district executive for being openly gay.
(Photos: GLAAD)