US: Arguments to be heard in Nevada same-sex marriage ban case

Those on both sides of a case challenging Nevada’s same-sex marriage ban will soon be able to make brief arguments before a federal appeals court.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has allowed a combined 20 minutes for both sides to make oral arguments in the case.
Also considered by the same court are cases channeging the same-sex marriage bans in Hawaii and Idaho.
Lambda Legal is challenging the ban on same-sex couples marrying on behalf of eight couples who wish to marry in Nevada.
The Coailition for the Protection of Marriage is protecting the ban.
Judge Robert C Jones in 2012 upheld the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, which led the case to appeal.
Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval is no longer defending the ban, and has said he will stand by any court ruling on the matter.
It is currently unclear when the court might rule in the case.