Australia: Liberal candidate resigns after claiming ‘shirts are for faggots’

A Liberal party candidate in Australia has resigned, after it had emerged that he posted a series of homophobic tweets.
Aaron Lane, of Victoria, had been selected to stand for a seat in the upper house in November’s elections.
Lane, who is a former president of the Young Liberals, had tweeted previously: “The problem is (IMO) many homos make their sexuality a defining aspect of their being.”
In a separate tweet, he had claimed “shirts are for faggots”.
Victorian Liberal party Director Damien Mantach said: “The Liberal Party acknowledges that the comments made by Mr Lane on social media are hurtful to many people and are entirely unacceptable.
“While Mr Lane has unreservedly apologised for his comments, the Party believes it is important to send a strong message to the community that this behaviour will not be tolerated.”
Deakin University, which employed Lane as a law tutor, has also announced he will no longer be permitted to work there.
Deakin University spokeswoman Sarah Dolan told The Age “The situation is that he has previously worked in a casual role but he won’t be employed at Deakin any longer.”
Lane claimed: “I am sure everyone has said things that, on reflection, we wish we had not said – regardless of the context.
“I don’t want this hanging around the neck of the government, I’m a true believer in the Liberal cause.”