‘Sinister monk’ now delivering leaflets in Leicester comparing gays to paedophiles

A homophobic monk has been caught delivering anti-gay leaflets in Leicestershire.
According to the Leicester Mercury, leaflets claiming homosexuality is “a sin, immoral, a pathological condition and the work of the Devil” were posted through the door of several residents in the town by a man dressed in monk’s robes.
It is the third such report this year of a sinister monk-like figure distributing similar leaflets in the UK, following an incident in Cambridge in April, and Brighton earlier this month.
However, a spokesperson for Leicester Police said: “We are liaising with other forces but it is too early to link it directly to the Cambridge and Brighton incidents.”
One of the leaflets previously obtained reads: “The practice of homosexuality is both blasphemy against God and rebellion against nature.
“It [is] abundantly evident that a penis is made for a vagina, and not for an anus. An anus is in fact designed solely for defecation.
“Homosexuality, as well as being a sin and a vice, is essentially a neurosis, a pathological condition, the result of several factors including childhood experiences.
“Homosexualism has become a cult, and by the indoctrination of school children and regular propaganda through the media, it seeks converts.
“If the practice of homosexuality is acceptable, then in time any form of sexual deviation, perversion and experimentation will be acceptable, including the progressive lowering of the age of consent, taking it below the age of puberty, and thus legalizing paedophilia.”
It also attacks the Queen for signing same-sex marriage into law, saying she “has ceased to be a Christian ruler”, and the government, which it likens to Nazis and Communists.
Leicester resident Laura Heaps told the newspaper: “I was horrified something so vile and hateful should be put through our door.
“It was full of fire and brimstone and extremely unpleasant. Fortunately, neither my six-year-old nor eight-year-old got hold of it. I did not want them to have to see it.
“It was horrible. But the people who printed it did not have the courage to put their name to it.”