SNP assistant quits politics to become a drag queen

A Scottish National Party assistant has announced that he’s quitting politics to move to London and become a full-time drag queen.
Nathan Sparling was an advisor to Member of Scottish Parliament Aileen Campbell – but will hang up his lanyard and put on his heels, to take his drag act Nancy Clench to London.
He told the Daily Record: “I’ve been a political activist for about seven years and I had always wanted a job in politics.
“I can’t see Nancy working in the parliament.”
He added: “It used to be difficult to tell people what I did. I always used to see it as a bit of a laugh, but now it’s easier to say, ‘I’m a drag queen comedian’, because I do it professionally.
“It was funny telling my family. I didn’t tell some of them because I wasn’t sure how they would react.
“My gran and grandad found out through a family member who showed them pictures on Facebook.
“They never said anything, just brought it up in conversation and said, ‘How’s Nancy?’ It took me by surprise.
“Now they sign all my Christmas cards, ‘Dear Nathan and Nancy’ and they come to most of my shows.”
MSPÂ Aileen Campbell said: “I wish Nathan and Nancy well on their move to London. Swapping the Clydesdale constituency office for the city lights will bring new and exciting opportunities.”