Republican congressman: No gays will go to heaven

Republican congressman Steve King has claimed that no gay people will go to heaven.
The Iowa Representative, who is a strong Catholic, made the claim about the Church’s decision to axe proposals to ‘welcome homosexuals’ in a recent synod.
Mr King said: “I owe it to Pope Francis to read it carefully and read it with precision before I pass judgment on it.
“I would just say that in fact to pass judgment on his document seems a bit presumptuous as I hear myself say that.
“I’ll just say that what was a sin 2,000 years ago is a sin today – and people that were condemned to hell 2,000 years ago, I don’t expect to meet them should I make it to heaven.
“So let’s stick with that principle.”
Walking back the answer, he added: “Let me say it isn’t to me to pass that judgment, and those who choose a lifestyle that I’ll say is not one that’s anointed and favoured by my faith — or their faith, for that matter — that’s between them and God.”
This week, a Republican candidate was accused of plagiarising a speech opposing same-sex marriage.
Marilinda Garcia, who is running for the US House of Representatives in New Hampshire – delivered a speech attacking the state’s equal marriage law which appears to have been lifted from a five year old National Review article.