Evangelical pastor: Taylor Swift will turn your children gay

A pastor has claimed that Taylor Swift is being exploited by Ellen DeGeneres to turn children gay.
Evangelist Larry Tomczak made the claims in an article for Christian Post.
He wrote: “The indoctrination and propaganda coming from those advocating a gay lifestyle in our country, classrooms and culture are increasing.
“All of us need to take note and take action to guard those we love.
“Here’s how Hollywood is promoting homosexuality right now:
“Glee features over five gay characters.
“Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature lesbians and gays in partnerships exploring homes.
“Modern Family features a gay couple who married over two episodes recently.
“Ellen DeGeneres celebrates her lesbianism and ‘marriage’ in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.
“Anderson Cooper boasts openly on TV he’d rather ‘have sex’ with a man
“Passivity is not an option. Check out how aggressive these well-funded and well-organized groups are in targeting innocent and impressionable children. In elementary schools, high schools, colleges and the media,
“LGBTQ advocates are extremely deceptive, sophisticated and strategic in working to lead a generation over the cliff to destruction.”
He also encourages Christian parents to teach their children that gay people on TV are wrong, writing: “Whether pausing the program for a quick moment of instruction or following up later at bedtime, in the car or at the table, skillfully share on God’s design for a man and a woman and the sanctity of marriage.”