Conservative Prime Minister spent the weekend kissing drag queens

A conservative Prime Minister has shared a kiss with a drag queen at a Pride parade.
John Key, who leads the New Zealand National Party, made an appearance at Auckland’s Big Gay Out event.
The leader is often compared to British Prime Minister David Cameron – and presided over the introduction of same-sex marriage in the country in 2013.
Mr Key – who has attended a number of times in the past – was booed by the crowd as he appeared on stage.
However, he defended his record on gay rights despite the National Party’s previous opposition, saying he had built a base from “one per cent of the support of the gay community”.
According to the Herald, he said: “We’ve turned that around. I voted for gay marriage.”
The Prime Minister also met with drag queens Buffy and Bimbo – even sharing a kiss with them.
At the event in 2009, he performed a dance routine with the pair.
British Prime Minister David Cameron his yet to make an appearance at a Pride event – though his senior advisor Michael Salter is the chair of Pride in London. He has previously recorded video messages for the event.
Last year, Irish PM Enda Kenny was spotted in a gay bar, attending a meeting for his party’s LGBT group.
Meanwhile, in January the former Prime Minister of Japan,  Yukio Hatoyama, made a debut on-stage as a drag queen.
In December, New Zealand appointed its first openly gay High Court judge.
Mr Matthew Muir was raised to the bench of the country’s highest court, becoming the first out member of the court.