Mike Huckabee is very upset about rainbow Doritos

Presidential wannabe Mike Huckabee is boycotting rainbow Doritos, because apparently it’s an important issue or something.
Doritos last month unveiled a special rainbow-coloured edition, including multi-coloured tortilla chips, as part of the brand’s partnership with right activist Dan Savage’s It Gets Better foundation.
The crisps, which came in the colours of the Pride flag, were only available via a $10 donation to It Gets Better – but after the campaign went viral online, they quickly sold out.
However, Republican Presidential wannabe and former Fox News chief bigot Mike Huckabee is very upset about it.
He claimed in a message to Doritos owners Frito-Lay: “It is beyond me to understand how a responsible corporation would think that partnering with someone who spews the vicious vitriol that Savage does would be worthy of your corporate contributions.”
“Ask if [Dan Savage] represents the values and views of Frito-Lay. If not, you should apologize, sever ties with hate groups like Savage’s, and explain how you were unaware of his history.
“If it does represent the corporate values of Frito-Lay, then the Christian community needs to be made aware that Frito-Lay has decided to not seek their business.”
Huckabee recently claimed that President Obama isn’t really a Christian, after he let a gay Bishop attend a White House reception for the Pope.
He also claimed that inviting gays to meet the Pope is like inviting alcoholics to an open bar.
Mr Huckabee previously ‘joked’ he wishes he were transgender to spy on teenage girls in the shower.