Madonna helps gay couple get engaged at concert (VIDEO)

The singer helped the gay couple in the front row of her concert get engaged recently.
A video capturing the moment shows the Material Girl turning her microphone to one of the men, Jan, who shouts: “I love you with all my heart, Chad. Will you marry me, please?”
Chad quickly accepts – to the joy of both Jan and the singing legend.
“You may kiss the bride,” Madge says as the newly engaged couple kiss to cheers and loud applause.
“You forgot the most important part. You need to catch the bouquet,” the singer says.
The cloak-loving Queen of Pop then tosses the couple a bouquet of flowers and puts a crucifix around her neck.
“You get a bouquet, I get a crucifix, it all works out,” she jokes.
The pop icon made headlines recently after saying she would “never perform in Russia again“.
The star has said that it is unlikely she will return due to the country’s poor treatment of the LGBT community.
She made the comments in an interview to promote her current tour, which began last month.
I won’t appear in Moscow or St Petersburg anymore, because I don’t want to perform in places where being homosexual is tantamount to a crime,” she said.
Madonna has previously accused Vladimir Putin’s regime of showing “blatant intolerance of gay rights, artistic freedom, freedom of speech, and human rights in general.”
Watch the proposal below: