Male rape now a crime in China

Chinese law previously only recognised sexual assault as a crime against women.
Male rape is now officially a crime in China and will carry a minimum sentence of five years imprisonment.
In the past, Chinese law only recognised sexual assault as an act against women, thus making it impossible for male rape victims to seek justice.
A prime example of this came in 2010, when a security guard sexually abused a male colleague but could only be convicted on the lesser charge. He was sentenced to just 12 months in prison.
In another case last year, a man accused of kidnapping and raping another man was released with no more than a caution because police could not charge him with a crime.
However, LGBT activists – who have been pushing for a change in the law for years – celebrated yesterday, as the new legislation was officially signed in.
The country’s top legislature passed the amendment in August, updating the law to say “indecent or sexual assault on others, men or women”. Previously, “others” only referred to female victims.
Earlier this year, a series of adverts urging people to be more accepting of gay people were launched across China.
The ad series, titled ‘Love is not a Choice’, launched on social media in the country – and is aimed at breaking China’s strong cultural taboo surrounding homosexuality.
The ads feature gay couples in their homes, and read: “Love is not a choice. We did not choose to be homosexual. We just are. Happily, the world is big enough for all of us.”