Modern Family actor hightlights struggle with body dysmorphia, before casually coming out as gay

Reid Ewing took to Twitter to highlight the issue of cosmetic surgery addiction.
A star of hit TV show ‘Modern Family’ casually came out as gay on Twitter recently – however, he did so to highlight another serious issue facing young men in today’s society.
Ewing – who plays Hayley’s boyfriend Dylan on the show – said that he had undergone a series of cosmetic procedures in a bid to combat his low self-esteem.
However, the actor claimed that the operations simply made him feel worse about himself – and medical staff did little to deal with the psychological problems he clearly experiencing.
“I genuinely believed if I had one procedure I would suddenly look like Brad Pitt,” he wrote on The Huffington Post.
“I told the doctor why I felt my face needed cosmetic surgery and told him I was an actor. He agreed that for my career it would be necessary to get cosmetic surgery.
“He quickly determined that large cheek implants would address the issues I had with my face, and a few weeks later I was on the operating table,” he added.
“He spoke with me before I went under, but he wasn’t the same empathetic person I met with during the consultation.
“He was curt and uninterested in my worries, making small talk with his staff as I lost consciousness.”
Ewing went on to receive a variety of different treatments, but says doctors did not once warn him of the dangers of cosmetic addiction.
“None of the doctors suggested I consult a psychologist for what was clearly a psychological issue… or warn me about the potential for addiction,” he said.
The star took to Twitter to promote a TV segment based around the article – surprising some fans by expressing his attraction to a man featured in the clip.
However, rather than make an issue of his sexuality, the star casually told a fellow user that he was “never in”.
Fellow ‘Modern Family’ star Nathan Lane married his partner of 18 years last week.
The actor got hitched to his long-term partner Devlin Elliot in New York.
Lane’s spokesman said: “Nathan and Devlin were married in a small ceremony in New York City this week. Everyone is extremely happy.”