See what happens when lesbians touch themselves for the first time (VIDEO)

The latest in a series of videos showing lesbians touching things for the first time, shows two women touching… themselves.
The video, from RoseEllenDix, a lesbian and a bisexual woman, parodies recent viral sensations “GAY MEN TOUCH BOOBS FOR THE FIRST TIME!” and “Lesbians Touch Penis For The First Time!“.
It shows Rose and Rosie making adept observations about touching themselves “for the first time”, in a very tongue in cheek way.
They show their pussies (cats), describe the sensation when touching it, and even lick their own armpits.
We hope this draws a line under the craze of viral lesbians doing things for the first time videos.
Especially after the ‘Lesbians put dicks in their mouths for the first time’, video…
If that sounds like something you want to watch, check it out below: