Craigslist ad praises Orlando mass shooting and warns ‘San Diego, you’re next’

The FBI is investigating an ad on Craigslist which praises to the Orlando gay club mass shooting which left 49 dead and another 53 injured.
The ad was posted on San Diego’s Craigslist, and also “thanks God” for AIDS as well as 9/11.
Titled “We need more Orlando’s (sic).” ad read: “Orlando was long overdue. Cleanse your community of the filth that gives decent gay men and women a bad name. Those people were walking diseases, bug chasers, and thank god for AIDS and 9-11 and now Orlando. San Diego you are next.”
It was posted in the men-seeking-men category on Craigslist.
According to KGTV, the San Diego police are looking into the ad, as well as the FBI.
The FBI’s Darrel Foxworth confirmed to the broadcaster that the agency was looking into the advert but did not go on to give any further details.
Viewers took photos of the advert, which was later taken down after it was flagged to site moderators.
Watch the KGTV report on the ad below:
49 people were killed and 53 injured on Sunday in the shocking terrorist hate crime attack, which saw a gunman open fire inside The Pulse gay bar in Orlando, Florida.
ISIS has since claimed responsibility for the attack, which was perpetrated by US citizen Omar Mateen. The majority of the victims were Latino.
In a statement, President Obama mourned the victims of the homophobic hate crime attack and called for greater restrictions on arms sales.
In response, Republican nominee Donald Trump said Obama should resign for failing to rally against Islam in his comments.
The attack has been condemned by American Muslim leaders, who addressed ISIS in saying: “You do not speak for us.”
But millions of people around the world have showed solidarity with the victims of the shooting and the community in Orlando,
A GoFundMe page for victims of the Orlando gay club mass shooting on Sunday, was the fastest ever page to reach $1 million, and now stands at more than $4 million.