Far-right candidate for Jo Cox seat: Gays were to blame for Orlando shooting

A former BNP member who is standing for the seat of murdered MP Jo Cox has claimed that gay people have themselves to blame for Orlando.
Labour MP Jo Cox was killed last week in a shooting incident outside an advice surgery.
One man, Thomas Mair, has been arrested and charged with murder over the killing – and police are probing alleged links to far-right groups.
With a by-election is set to be held for the late MP’s seat in Parliament, the Conservatives, Lib Dems and UKIP all agreed not to contest the seat in a show of solidarity, leaving Labour as the only mainstream party to field a candidate.
However, former British National Party member Jack Buckby announced his candidacy on behalf of the fringe ‘Liberty GB’ party – before Ms Cox’s funeral had even taken place.
PinkNews can reveal that just days before declaring his candidacy for the seat, Buckby uploaded a video claiming LGBT people have “blood on their hands” over the Orlando massacre – which saw 49 people die in a nightclub.
He claimed: “The Orlando shooting was an act of collective suicide, and the LGBT activists and the politicians are the ones handing out the cyanide pills.
“The LGBT cause has blood on its hands. These deaths were caused by a paradoxical alliance between the left and Islam, that is only going to get worse.
!More people are going to get murdered. The first people up against the wall will be gays and will be the leftists.”
He claimed: “Leaders like Obama, like Cameron, like Clinton, like Trudeau, claim to be friends of homosexuals and transsexuals, while at the same time pushing a false narrative that Islam poses no threat to a Western liberal democracy.
“[Political leaders] and big leaders of the LGBT movement continue to tell us that Islam is a religion of peace, but they are wilfully ignoring the fact that Islam is one of the biggest ideological killers in history.”
Buckby claims that Islam “makes Hitler look like an absolute pussy”, displaying a limp-wristed image of the Nazi leader.
He continued: “Most conservative people on the right of politics don’t give a damn if someone is gay, but the LGBT community is still convinced that they’re a persecuted minority, or at least many of them still want to be a persecuted minority.
“Many of them want to be professional victims. It’s something in their psyche – they want to be hated or for people to think that they’re hated, so they get attention.”
Buckby appears to have removed previous YouTube videos he recorded opposing same-sex marriage and LGBT rights.