Kim Davis facing another lawsuit because she wouldn’t let a man marry his laptop

Kim Davis is facing a new lawsuit… from a man who she wouldn’t let marry his laptop.
Ms Davis, the clerk for Rowan Country Kentucky,was briefly jailed last year for contempt of court after she directly ignored a court order by blocking same-sex weddings from taking place.
She has since sought to resolve the case after the Governor of Kentucky changed the law to strip powers relating to marriage licenses from all clerks in the state.
But the clerk is facing new action this week, from an anti-LGBT activist who wants to get married to his laptop.
Chris Sevier, an anti-LGBT lawyer who had his license suspended in 2011, claims his right to tie the knot to his computer is the same as any gay couple’s right to marry.
Sevier, who has filed action on similar grounds in Texas and Utah previously, says that he visited the Rowan County Clerk’s office with his laptop and was denied the right to marry, on the grounds that his laptop is not a human being.
As well as Davis, he also names Governor Matt Bevin and Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear in the suit.
The lawsuit claims he “was denied this dignity interest and turned away because his marriage request was outside considered morally repugnant and less valid than a woman’s request to many a woman.”
It adds: “The laws that exclude individuals who want to marry an inanimate object or something other than a members of the same-sex or opposite sex a marriage license and including the laws that do not recognise a marriage ceremony that has taken place between a man and a machine.”
Even the militantly anti-LGBT lawyers who represent Davis think the case is ridiculous.
Liberty Counsel President Mat Staver conceded: “This lawsuit is frivolous. There is obviously no right for a man to marry a machine.”