Anti-gay pastor claims gay rights movement has ‘banned’ him from preaching the Gospel in Scotland

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A pastor who has in the past been accused of supporting ā€œgay cureā€ or ā€œconversionā€ therapies, has had a speaking event cancelled over his views.

The talk by Angus Buchan was cancelled by the Hope Church in Tweedbank in the Scottish Borders.

Cross and sunset

It had been set for Monday 22 August, but was cancelled after the Scottish Borders LGBT Equality organisation made a complaint about the pastorā€™s past record on LGBT rights.

Back in 2008, Buchan said: ā€œI cannot ever agree that homosexuality is right. I love them though, but they need help. We have prayed for them and God has changed their hearts.ā€

He has also supported the idea  that prayer can ā€œcureā€ homosexuality and was accused of misogyny for saying that he thinks men are the ā€œprophet, priest and kingā€ in their home.

ā€œThe Bible is very clear about the role of the husband. If the husband who is the father does his rightful duty in the home, it is very easy for his wife to submit to him. Wives submit to their husbands because they want to,ā€ he says IN one YouTube video.

The Live Borders organisation which owns the Hope Church released a brief statement saying they had cancelled the event in case it caused ā€œpublic offenceā€.

The statement reads: ā€œIn line with Scottish Borders Council policy ā€“ Live Borders has a responsibility to support the wellbeing of all people in the Borders and not to hire out any premises to events with the potential to cause public offence.

ā€œOur booking policy clearly states that we reserve the right to cancel any booking at our discretion.ā€

Buchan hit back with a statement on his website, which reads that he hasā€come under the most severe attack and resistance I have ever experienced in my life since becoming a Christian in 1979.ā€

He adds: ā€œEffectively, the gay rights movement have banned me from preaching the Gospel in their town called Galashiels situated on the Scottish Borders. The Sanhedrin (governing body), have put such huge pressure on the young pastor who invited me, that he has been forced to cancel the proposed Gospel event.

ā€œThis action has now spread across the Irish Sea to the beautiful ā€œEmerald Isleā€ and there is a tremendous uproar taking place as I write this letter to get me banned from preaching the Gospel there as well.ā€

Buchan continues: ā€œI am accused of being a homophobe, and many other unsavory things, but all I am doing, and still intend to do in Great Britain, is to preach the undiluted Word of God, ā€œThe Bibleā€ in its entirety, not compromising one word. It is because I love people and do not want them to perish and go to a lost eternity.

ā€œJohn 17:17, states very clearly, ā€˜Sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truthā€™. That is all I have ever done in the past, and that is all I will ever do!

ā€œI love homosexuals, and I love lesbians, but I cannot condone their way of living, their lifestyle, because it is contrary to the teaching of Godā€™s Holy Word!ā€