People searching how to move to Canada after Trump Presidency crashed its immigration website

As Donald Trump became the 45th US President, apparently lots of people were trying to find out how to become Canadian.
Canada’s immigration website continually crashed under the weight of the traffic throughout the night on Tuesday 8 November as it became clear that Trump was going to win the Presidency.
The site displayed error messages to users saying the site could not be displayed.
Searches for the term ‘move to Canada’ also spiked according to data from Google.
While many took to Twitter to say they wanted to move to Canada, some suggested that they should move to Mexico instead, citing Trump’s proposed border wall.
Trump supporters also gave a little nudge to those who said they would leave.
Canada also tweeted about its immigration policies just at the moment it became clear that Trump would be the next president
The last time PinkNews reported on problems with Canada’s immigration site was when the Supreme Court ruled in favour of same-sex marriage.
Apparently many did not realise that Canada (and some Mexican states) had introduced same-sex marriage some years before the US.