US anti-gay activists launch fresh push to export hatred around the world
Anti-gay activists from the so-called National Organisation for Marriage have set up a new international pressure group to support anti-gay laws around the world.
The group, which was entirely unsuccessful at stopping same-sex marriage in the United States despite raking in millions in donations from conservatives and religious groups, announced the shift over the weekend.
The group announced the formation of the International Organization for the Family, a new pressure group headed by anti-gay movement leader Brian Brown to push for homophobic laws around the world.
Though NOM claimed to be constrained to the issue of marriage, PinkNews understands that the IOF will fight LGBT rights on a range of issues, and may even oppose reforms to repeal archaic sodomy laws.
Briwan Brown said: “As you may know, NOM has increasingly been asked to play a role in preserving marriage in other countries that have been dealing with many of the issues we’ve confronted here in the US.
“I’ve spoken about marriage all over the world, and have been targeted by LGBT extremists groups for doing so… but no amount of attacks from LGBT extremists like the HRC will deter me from proclaiming the truth of marriage whenever and wherever it is under attack.
“I want to introduce you to a new organization that will take the global fight to preserve and protect marriage to a whole new level, allowing NOM to be able to focus fully on the continuing fight here at home. It is called the International Organization for the Family (IOF).
“I will be the president of IOF while continuing to lead NOM. IOF is assembling a coalition of allies to take the worldwide lead in fighting for marriage, religious liberty, parental rights, the truth of gender and other issues central to the pro-family movement.
“With the advent of IOF, NOM will be able to focus all our efforts here in America, where we have tremendous opportunities to reshape the culture and legal climate for marriage.
“We look forward to working with President-Elect Trump, the Congress and our allies in Washington and the states to pursue a wide ranging agenda on behalf of our issues.”
The group plans to built a network of anti-gay activists across the world, and an online declaration already boasts a string of supporters from religious movements in Africa, as well as support in Russia, Australia and central Europe.
Brown recently called for a new ban on same-sex weddings because gay people are more likely to be abusive to their partners.
Cited a ‘study‘ conducted by a notoriously anti-trans doctor, Brown claimed the study would help to “expose the lies of the media and LGBT activists” amid the battle for same-sex marriage, which he claims “contradict not only common sense but also the best scientific knowledge”.