This nativity scene made from dildos has got people really angry

A nativity scene depicting Mary, Joseph and Jesus in ceramic dildos has caused outrage among shoppers in Spain.
Non Sit Peccatum, a sex shop in the town of Talavera de la Reina, Spain, commissioned the traditional Christmas set-up with a very new twist.
But shop owner Héctor Valdivielso has said he’s received angry comments since erecting the window display.
Some have even demanded the sex toy nativity be removed because they feel offended.
“A man with his wife ordered me to remove the offending scene and said that if I didn’t he would remove it himself”, Valdivielso told The Local.
The shop has been vandalised with the word ‘pecadores’, meaning sinners in Spanish.
And there was even a gathering of protestors, calling themselves the Children of Virgin Mary, who stood outside the store reading sermons and calling for shoppers to boycott the store.
The display has caused such problems for the store that it eventually got removed.
“It was affecting my business,” explained Valdivielso.
“Who wants to come to a store like this to hear a sermon?”.
That was until the owner put the issue to a popular vote – where almost 80% of people backed the dildo nativity.
Democracy in action.