Fan launches campaign to save Betty White from 2016

In light of the high number of celebrity deaths in 2016, a Betty White superfan has launched a campaign to save her from joining the list.
After hearing about Carrie Fisher’s death on Tuesday, Demetrios Hrysikos launched a crowd funding page to “help protect Betty White from 2016”.
Writing on the page, Mr Hrysikos said: “If she’s OK with it, I will fly to wherever Betty White is and keep her safe till Jan 1, 2017.”
Aiming to raise $2,000, the South Carolina resident surpassed his target on the first day.
At the time of writing, Mr Hrysikos had raised $6,275.
However, the former Golden Girls star doesn’t have to worry about an unexpected guest turning up at her door because Mr Hrysikos added that he’d give the money to a theatre to train new talent.
“Assuming she doesn’t want a strange Greek standing guard outside her door, all monies will be donated to the Spartanburg Little Theater to help craft new stars of stage and screen to carry the mantle of the legends that have left us this year,” he added.
“Other than liking to support our local arts and having a friend who works at the Little Theater, I don’t have any connection to it.
“I just thought it would be a good place for any money made to go.
“I’d like to think that Betty, Carrie and Bowie would be happy with any proceeds going to that cause, which I assure you it will.”
A long time supporter of LGBT rights, Betty White came out in support of same-sex marriage in 2010 and couldn’t understand why so many people were opposed to it.
She also gave a hilariously filthy review of Deadpool earlier this year.
Watch the video of the LGBT stars we have lost this year below