This male makeup artist SHUT DOWN a troll who attacked him on Twitter

A male makeup artist had the absolute perfect response to trolls who attacked him on Twitter.
Trayvon Dickerson, who tweets about wanting to be an inspiration to LGBT+ youths, hit back after he became the subject of a cruel meme.
The image of him, used without his permission, was accompanied by the words “Ya son come home from college like this, crying asking you to accept him, what you doing?”
In response, Dickerson tweeted: “# I wouldn’t cry if not one soul on this earth didn’t accept me for ME, #2 You’re lame as fuck, #3 Next time you want clout off me, “@” me boo.”
“I am me and the only person who has to deal with me is me,” Dickerson continued.
“Everyone in my family supports me wholeheartedly. Why are you bringing homophobia and negativity to this area?”
His retweets, mentions and likes went into overdrive, with tens of thousands of people tweeting their support.
Two days after tweeting it, his original response to the troll has been liked more than 99,000 times, and retweeted 36,000 times.
The 19-year-old’s retort was also accompanied by the hashtag #BlackGaySlay.
“There’s not a lot of people in this world that would step forward and show support, so everyone who did — they are so amazing and I love them,” Dickerson says.