This Valentine’s Day flowers ad has a very different ending to what you’d expect

This Valentine’s Day advert is really challenging expectations.
Retailer Interflora have released a special ad to mark this year’s Valentine’s Day.
But it doesn’t have the ending you’d expect.
We’re used to seeing sweet images of men and women exchanging flowers and romantic gestures for Valentine’s Day.
in fact a recent study found that LGBT people are most invisible in advertising, especially bisexuals.
This time, however, there’s a twist.
Interflora "Love conquers all" from Mikkel Elung on Vimeo.
The ad is set in the 1920s, when, in reality, there would probably have been a very different reaction.
It wasn’t until 1924 that the first LGBT group was founded in 1924, meanwhile in the UK politicians were voting to extend anti-LGBT laws.