Teenager admits plotting bomb attack on Elton John concert

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A teenager has admitted plotting a terrorist attack on an Elton John concert.

19-year-old Haroon Syed, from Hounslow in west London, admitted plotting an attack, which was set to take place last year on the anniversary of 9/11.

Syed plotted to attack a target in central London  ā€“ using a home-made bomb with a remote timer, following instructions published by Jihadis online.

He earmarked a number of potential targets, researching details of an Elton John concert in Hyde Park.

However, the plot was thwarted when Syed was caught online chatting to undercover security agents.
Sir Elton John

Sir Eltonā€™s concert took place in September 2016 weekend without incident, on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

In a hearing at the Old Bailey, Syed admitted a charge of preparation of terrorist acts between April and September last year.

The court heard that he had researched busy areas of London to target, and attempted to buy weapons online, including explosives and a bomb vest.

Prosecutor Thomas Halpin outlined previously that the teen had researched online how ā€œto make an incendiary explosive deviceā€.

He added: ā€œHis internet searches show he is searching busy places in London. Oxford Street, upcoming events in London.

ā€œHe is looking at internet searches. Where are soldiers in the UK, Londonā€™s top ten most crowded boroughs, Buckingham Palace, Royal Marines Reserve, City of London.ā€

The court heard that when police asked for the password to unlock his phone, he replied: ā€œYeah I.S.I.S ā€“ you like that?ā€

Speaking online to a fake radical Islamist made up by undercover police, Syed had asked for ā€œgearā€ for his ā€œoppā€, including a machine gun and explosive vest.

He said: ā€œAfter some damage with machine gun do martyrdom ā€¦ thatā€™s what Iā€™m planning to doā€.

Syed proceeded to meet up with an undercover police officer in a Costa Coffee in Slough, believing them to be his contact.

The teenā€™s defence statement described him as ā€œhighly vulnerable due to family history, lack of education, addiction to violent online games and the arrest and imprisonment of his brotherā€.

His lawyers claimed his online conversations were a ā€œfantasy to see how far it would goā€ and that he never planned to actually carry out an attack.

According to Metro, his lawyer said: ā€œThe proper response of the State should have been to engage Prevent to help this young man, to steer him away from the path it was feared he was going down, rather than guiding him down it.ā€

Syed pleaded guilty to the charge after the defence failed to have evidence excluded from the case.

He will be sentenced in June.