When will Final Fantasy 12 be available to play on PC and Xbox?

Final Fantasy XII is critically acclaimed, but currently only available on PS4.
But lots of people are wondering whether it will be available on other platforms like Xbox or PC.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is an updated version of the 2006 Square Enix hit for the PS2.
It has high-quality visuals, and a number of substantial upgrades.
But it is unclear whether Square Enix will be bringing the hit to the PC or Xbox just yet.
The game’s producer hasn’t said anything to suggest that it will be going to other platforms.
It appears that the game will remain a PlayStation exclusive for the time being.
This comes as bad news for fans of the series who don’t play on PS4.
But it is possible that the game may still see a PC or Xbox release
Check out a trailer for XII below:
Sqaure Enix back in 2014 announced that same-sex marriage is finally coming to the fourteenth instalment of the series.
A representative of Square Enix that makes the game first announced the change in a video recording back in 2012: “As for same-sex marriage, this is an extremely controversial topic that has been under discussion in the MMO world for the past few years.
“As you know, each country has a different way of thinking. So first we would like to start out with opposite-sex marriage, and then consider the feedback from our players in order to make a careful decision.I can’t say whether or not it will be possible at this point in time. I’d like to keep dialog open with our players as we deliberate the matter.”
Final Fantasy players later held a virtual Pride parade, to celebrate the introduction of same-sex marriage to the game series.