Thor: Ragnarok may feature first LGBT character in Marvel universe

The latest instalment of the Thor series will feature a character who is LGBT in the Marvel comics.
He would be the first openly LGBT character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Thor: Ragnarok, the third film in the series, will be set four years after the events of The Dark World, and two years after Avengers: Age of Ultron.
With Thor captive on planet Sakaar, he must battle the Hulk in a match to the death in order to save his home planet of Asgard.

Less than two months away from its highly anticipated release, director Taika Waititi can boast of an impressive cast line-up.
Chris Hemsworth returns as Thor – the God of Thunder – and the film will also introduce Cate Blanchett as the villain, Hela.
But the most exciting news surrounds the possibility of the series’ first gay character, Korg.
The character, who appears mainly in the Incredible Hulk comics, has his sexuality confirmed in Issue 619 of the comic series.

He is shown to be in a relationship with the one-armed Hiroim, a male member of an alliance of alien warriors called the Warbound.
It’s unclear how much of Korg’s character in the film will stick to the comics.
Waititi suggested that he would be one of Thor’s allies.

“We wanted to change the idea of what a hulking guy made of rocks could be. He’s huge and heavy, but with a light soul,” the director said.
“We wanted to make him funny and a relatable entry point into this world. And Thor needs friends.”
Waititi also mentioned that Korg’s soft-spoken voice is based on Polynesian bouncers he’s known.
The director will play the character himself.
LGBT characters have appeared in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Jessica Jones – both prominent television series – but Korg would be the first in a Marvel feature film.
The film will hit UK cinemas on October 27, and will be released in the US on November 3.