Meet the gay man fighting against same-sex marriage

A gay guy is campaigning to stop equal marriage in Australia.
As Australia votes on equal marriage, Sky News host Andrew Bolt interviewed Keith Mills, a Belfast-based gay man who opposes same-sex marriage.
Mills has previously derided LGBT activists as “gay fascists” and suggested bars should be be abolished.
Speaking to Sky News, Mills insisted it was right to prevent same-sex couples from marrying.
He said: “Marriage for me is a man and a woman becoming mother and father and bringing up their children.
“That’s the basis for marriage, it’s been handed down from generation, and it’s recognised in every country in the world.
“I think marriage as we know it does a pretty good job in solidifying the supports for the family, and the family then become the cornerstone of society.
“I don’t see marriage as a milestone for same-sex couples. I believe that the same rights can be given to same-sex couples through civil partnerships, and that way you have the ideal scenario because you respect diversity.
“You respect that the relationship a man forms with a man and a man forms with a woman are different.
“They both deserve legal recognition, but they don’t need to be forced to fit into this one-size-fits-all ‘it has to be marriage’.
“I think civil partnerships are the ideal solution for same-sex couples.”
WATCH: ‘No’ campaigner @KeithM on being a gay man speaking out against same-sex marriage. On #TheBoltReport @SkyNewsAust
— The Bolt Report (@theboltreport) September 28, 2017
He is not the only gay man battling against gay marriage rights.
A “gay conservative” student made a splash earlier this month claiming same-sex marriage will “destroy everything that is good about Australia”.
Wilson, a student at Queensland University, was filmed speaking at an anti-gay marriage rally as the country holds a public vote on whether to allow gay people to marry.
He claimed: “There are thousands of gay people in this country who are against same-sex marriage, who see the effects it will have on the family, on schools, on politics and on churches.”
Addressing LGBT activists, he added: “They’re people who want to destroy everything that is good about Australia, people who want to destroy everything I love about Australia”
“They want to introduce radical gender ideology into schools. They hate me more because I’m able to support what marriage is and I’m gay.”
His story was promptly shared by the country’s former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, a strong opponent of LGBT rights who has led the campaign against equal marriage.
Related: What the hell is going on with same-sex marriage in Australia?