Rabbi says Roy Moore will stand up to ‘gay terrorists’

A Rabbi is insistent on backing a Senator who sexually harasses teenage girls in order to “stand up to gay terrorists”.
Speaking at a rally in Alabama, Rabbi Noson Leiter proclaimed his support for Moore, who has been accused of conducting a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old, as well as making unwanted approaches to high school girls.
And in his speech, it appears that the Rabbi couldn’t resist throwing some homophobia into the mix.
“We all, especially those of us in Orthodox Jewish communities nationwide, need Judge Moore in the Senate now more than ever,” said Rabbi Noson Leiter.
“We need someone with a proven record of facing off against the gay terrorists who never, ever let an opportunity to lie to go to waste.”
Refusing to believe the allegations stacked against Senator Moore, the Rabbi continued to proclaim that his innocence is in jeopardy because he is “a target”.
“Moore has a proven track for fighting for public policy based on biblical values and not perversion, and that’s why he’s a target,” said the Orthodox Jewish religious leader.
The homophobe then used his platform to lambast other Republican leaders who failed to “combat the agendas of… transgender insanity.”
“fail[ing] to combat the agendas of sodomy and transgender insanity….. They have failed to push even one simple bill to protect bakers, photographers, etc. from homosexualist gay terrorist blackmail.”
“May the Ultimate Judge speedily pour out his heavenly wrath against our enemies and mercifully save us all,” the Rabbi concluded.
Although Donald Trump may not be using homophobia to justify defending Moore, he is still refusing to move the candidate.
The President has backed Moore staying in the Senate, stating that “Alabama should take the decision” about their next senator.
images: Getty