A ‘trans-curious’ teen was sent home from school for wearing makeup

A 16-year-old with gender identity disorder was told to go home and “become the real him” after wearing a wig and makeup to school.
The pupil’s mother, who asked that neither she nor her child be named, alleged that the teacher at the Oasis Academy in Kent had humiliated her child in public.
She has now taken her kid out of the school, which describes itself as “a fully inclusive Academy”.
A study released earlier this year by Stonewall showed that more than four in five trans students have self-harmed and nearly half have attempted suicide.

Two-thirds of trans kids are bullied, while one in ten have received death threats at school.
Speaking to the Mirror, the mother said that her 16-year-old child had struggled with gender identity disorder since they were two years old.
After years of dressing as a girl at home, this was the first time they had summoned the courage to express themselves as female in public.
“He finally built up enough confidence and he was rejected,” the mother said.

They were allegedly dismissed from the classroom by the teacher who no longer saw them as themself – simply because they were wearing makeup and a wig.
“He was told it was inappropriate for younger students to see him as a female because it would confuse them,” their mother said.
“He was told his hair was too long and it was impractical for being at school,” she continued.
“He was told he must take his wig off and become the real him.
“He was told to go home and remove his wig and makeup.”
On its website, the three-year-old school quotes an Ofsted inspection which praised the Oasis Academy for the way teachers treat students.
“Relationships with staff is a strength of the Academy and students feel safe,” the site boasts.
The mum, who has asked for a written apology from the school, said her child had not attended school in two weeks following the incident.
A meeting with the Academy’s authorities ended with no agreement.
And she and her son – who is due to take his GCSEs at the end of the school year – subsequently marched out of a meeting with the principal, John Cavadino.

Discussions are ongoing, with the school intending to get its regional director to sit down with the pair.
Earlier this year, Isle of Wight parents Nigel and Sally Rowe threatened to launch legal action against a Church of England school over a trans student who was in their child’s class.
An Oasis Academy spokesperson said staff were dedicated to supporting students, and were making “all reasonable accommodations” for their needs.
“We have steadfast commitment to being inclusive, treating everyone equally and respecting differences,” she added.
“We also have high expectations of students with regard to their behaviour.
“Our young people must abide by Academy rules and show respect to fellow students and staff at all times.
“We can confirm that academy leaders have had a positive meeting with the parents of one of our students regarding inclusion.”